Your Schwab Intelligent Portfolios® account is much more than just an algorithm. It's an automated portfolio with human oversight. Schwab Intelligent Portfolios was designed to use a combination of people and technology to help make investing more accessible, more efficient and lower cost.
Financial markets are volatile by nature. By diversifying across geographies and asset classes, you can help increase your chances of being invested in whichever asset class is leading at any given time.
The second quarter of 2022 brought continued market volatility amid an economy in transition. For Schwab Intelligent Portfolios, the pressure on both stocks and bonds resulted in negative returns in Q2, but diversification helped moderate overall portfolio declines.
Investing in a well-diversified portfolio is part of a strategic asset allocation plan and can help investors to withstand periods of market volatility.
Whether your Schwab Intelligent Portfolios® account is helping you achieve your financial goals or you're still deciding on your investment strategy, here are a variety of ways you can personalize your portfolio along with key feature benefits and activation tips.