How It Works: Schwab Intelligent Portfolios
You invest for a reason
You may be planning your retirement, or investing for a child's education, or a home - or something else altogether.
Every goal requires its own research, its own plan and its own strategy.

Investing made easier with Schwab Intelligent Portfolios
Based on your answers to a short set of questions. Our innovative technology selects from among the 51 low-cost professionally selected exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to create a diversified portfolio designed to help meet your specific goal.
Portfolio planning and our intensive ETF selection process are just two ways that Schwab Intelligent Portfolios saves you time.

And keep your investments on track, tax efficiently
Our sophisticated, proprietary technology monitors and rebalances your portfolio to help keep you diversified and on track.
We can also help make your investment more tax efficient by harvesting investment losses to offset the taxes on any investment gains.

Our technology and investment professionals steer your portfolio
Our investment experts keep a careful watch on every underlying investment, especially during periods of market volatility, to ensure they remain appropriate for your selected portfolio strategy.

To reach your goal, and get the most out of it
In retirement, Schwab Intelligent Portfolios can create a regular "paycheck" from your portfolio, while it continues to grow.

If you're looking for a smart, efficient way to set up and manage a portfolio—for any number of goals—Schwab Intelligent Portfolios is here to help.
Ask us your questions.
